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Grumixava (Micropholis melinoniana)

Family: Sapotaceae

Common names: Apixuna, Balata Blanc, Barilla de agua, Caimitillo, Chupon Colorado, Faux Balata, Grumixava, Hacano, Ibira Camby, Koesiri Balatarie, Moraballi, Riemhout, White Balata

Distributed in: Argentina, Bahamas, Brazil, Cuba, Dominican Republic, French Guiana, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Peru, Puerto Rico, Suriname, Venezuela (Central America, Latin America)

Distribution overview: The species occurs naturally from Oaxaca, Mexico to Madre de Dios, Peru and Amap￿Brazil.

Common uses: Beams, Bent Parts, Building construction, Building materials, Cabin construction, Cabinetmaking, Chairs, Chests, Concrete formwork, Construction, Decks, Decorative veneer, Desks, Dining-room furniture, Domestic flooring, Drawer sides, Factory construction, Factory flooring, Figured veneer, Fine furniture, Flooring, Form work, Foundation posts, Framing, Furniture , Furniture components, Furniture squares or stock, Hatracks, Heavy construction, Interior construction, Interior trim, Joists, Kitchen cabinets, Light construction, Living-room suites, Millwork, Moldings, Office furniture, Parquet flooring, Porch columns, Turnery

Environment profile: Data source is Nature Conservancy

Tree size: Trunk diameter is 150-200 cm

Colors: the heart isYellow, Yellowish-Green hue and the sapwoodWhite, Yellow.The grain isStraight, the textureUniformand the lusterMedium

Natural durability: Susceptible to dry-wood termites , Susceptible to insect attack

Odor: No specific smell or taste

Silica Content: Siliceous

Kiln Drying Rate: Rapid

Drying Defects: Slight surface checking, Splitting

Ease of Drying: Reconditioning Treatement

Blunting Effect: Moderate

Boring: Straight grained wood bores well

Carving: Fairly Easy to Very Easy

Cutting Resistance: Straight grained wood has low resistance

Gluing: Fairly Easy to Very Easy

Mortising: Fairly Easy to Very Easy

Moulding: Fairly Easy to Very Easy

Movement in Service: Fairly Easy to Very Easy

Nailing: Pre-Boring Recommended, Very Good to Excellent

Planing: Fairly Easy to Very Easy

Resistance to Impregnation: Sapwood is moderately resistant

Response to hand tools: Responds Readily

Routing recessing: Fairly Easy to Very Easy

Sanding: Very Good to Excellent Results

Veneering qualities: Veneers easily, Veneers moderately easy

Steam bending: Unsuitable

Screwing: Fairly Easy to Very Easy, Very Good to Excellent Results; Turning: Very Good to Excellent Results

Painting: Very Good to Excellent; Polishing: Very Good to Excellent; Staining: Very Good to Excellent; Varnishing: Very Good to Excellent;

  • Numerical data Metric
  • Numerical data English
  • Strength properties
  • References
Item Green Dry Metric
Specific Gravity 0,57
Density 721 kg/m3
Bending Strength 829 1301 kg/cm2
Crushing Strength 388 676 kg/cm2
Hardness 662 kg
Impact Strength cm
Shearing Strength kg/cm2
Stiffness 140 203 1000 kg/cm2
Tangential Shrinkage 8 %
Radial Shrinkage 6 %
Weight 705 576 kg/m3
Maximum Load cm-kg/cm3
Toughness 144 cm-kg
Static Bending kg/cm2
Item Green Dry English
Bending Strength 11799 18512 psi
Density 45 lbs/ft3
Hardness 1460 lbs
Maximum Crushing Strength 5520 9624 psi
Stiffness 1997 2891 1000 psi
Toughness 125 inch-lbs
Specific Gravity 0.57
Weight 44 36. lbs/ft3
Radial Shrinkage 6 %
Tangential Shrinkage 8 %
Volumetric Shrinkage 14 %

Weight = high
Resists denting and marring
Hardness (side grain) = very hard
Density = high
Compression strength (parallel to grain) = very high
Bending strength (MOR) = very high

Andy Poynter. 1993. Personal CommunicationChudnoff, M.,1984,Tropical Timbers of the World,U.S.A. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products,Laboratory, Madison.
*Come interpretare i dati (manleva su eventuali imprecisioni)