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Kaudamu (Myristica hypargyraea)

Family: Juglandaceae

Common names: Darah darah, Duguan, Kaudamu, Kumpang, Mutwinda, Penarahan, Tambolau

Distributed in: Fiji (Oceania and S.E. Asia)

Distribution overview: Various species in the Myristica genus are distributed in the Indo-Malayan region, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Western Pacific Islands.

Common uses: Balusters, Bedroom suites, Boxes and crates, Building construction, Building materials, Cabinetmaking, Casks, Chairs, Chests, Concealed parts (Furniture), Construction, Core Stock, Decorative plywood, Decorative veneer, Desks, Dining-room furniture, Domestic flooring, Dowell pins, Dowells, Drawer sides, Excelsior, Factory flooring, Figured veneer, Fine furniture, Floor lamps, Flooring, Furniture , Furniture components, Furniture squares or stock, Hardboards, Hatracks, Interior construction, Joinery, Kitchen cabinets, Light construction, Living-room suites, Moldings, Office furniture, Packing cases, Plywood, Turnery, Veneer

Product sources: Kaudamu is the trade name of timber produced by four Myristica species that grow in Fiji. The species are difficult to separate and are often mixed and marketed together under one name.

Environment profile: Status has not been officially assessed

Tree size: Trunk diameter is 150-200 cm

Colors: the heart isPurple, Redand the sapwoodPink, Red.The grain isStraight, the textureUniformand the lusterMedium

Natural durability: Susceptible to insect attack, Very durable

Odor: No specific smell or taste

Kiln Schedules: T10 - D4S (4/4) U

Kiln Drying Rate: Naturally dries slowly

Drying Defects: Splitting, Surface checking and slight collapse are common

Ease of Drying: Special care required to prevent defects

Blunting Effect: Moderate

Boring: Fairly easy to very easy

Carving: Responds well to carving if tools are kept very sharp

Cutting Resistance: Low cutting resistance

Gluing: Fairly Easy to Very Easy

Mortising: Very Good to Excellent

Moulding: Yields clean surfaces

Movement in Service: Yields clean surfaces

Nailing: Tends to split during nailing, Very Good to Excellent

Planing: Yields smooth surfaces

Resistance to Impregnation: Resistant sapwood

Response to hand tools: Responds Readily

Routing recessing: Routs easily with ordinary hand tools

Sanding: Very Good to Excellent Results

Veneering qualities: Veneers easily, Veneers moderately easy

Steam bending: Fairly Easy to Very Easy

Screwing: Pre-boring recommended, Very Good to Excellent Results; Turning: Yields clean surfaces

Painting: Fairly Easy to Very Easy; Polishing: Very Good to Excellent; Staining: Very Good to Excellent; Varnishing: Fairly Easy to Very Easy;

  • Numerical data Metric
  • Numerical data English
  • Strength properties
  • References
Item Green Dry Metric
Specific Gravity
Density 416 kg/m3
Bending Strength 405 731 kg/cm2
Crushing Strength 34 43 kg/cm2
Hardness 329 kg
Impact Strength cm
Shearing Strength 100 kg/cm2
Stiffness 92 97 1000 kg/cm2
Tangential Shrinkage %
Radial Shrinkage %
Weight kg/m3
Maximum Load cm-kg/cm3
Toughness 77 cm-kg
Static Bending 289 454 kg/cm2
Item Green Dry English
Bending Strength 5767 10403 psi
Crushing Strength 485 617 psi
Density 26 lbs/ft3
Hardness 727 lbs
Maximum Crushing Strength 2979 6625 psi
Shearing Strength 1426 psi
Static Bending 4116 6468 psi
Stiffness 1313 1382 1000 psi
Toughness 67 inch-lbs
Specific Gravity 0.38 0.44

Compression strength (parallel to grain) = high
Bending strength in the air-dried condition (about 12% moisture content) is medium, but lower than Mahogany, and much lower than White oak. Some familiar species with high crushing strength parallel to grain include Hard maple, Teak, and White oak. It is moderately hard and resistant to wearing and marring. The density is average, or medium.

Bolza, E., Kloot, N.H.,1972,The Mechanical Properties of 56 Fijian Timbers,Australia C.S.I.R.O. Division of Forest Products Technological Paper,No.,62Chudnoff, M.,1984,Tropical Timbers of the World,U.S.A. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products,Laboratory, Madison.Keating, W.G., Bolza, E.,1982,Characteristics properties and uses of timbers. South East Asia, Northern,Australia and the Pacific,C.S.I.R.O. Div. Chemical Technology,Inkata Press,1
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