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Opepe (Nauclea diderrichii)

Family: Rubiaceae

Common names: Abouko, Akondoc, Aloma, Aloua, Asibo, Awesu, Badi, Bedo, Bilinga, Bohia, Bonkangu, Bonkese, Bosema, Bosima, Brimstone, Bundui, Doe-yah, Dubawile, Dunkake, Echinchin, Edjin, Eke, Ekusiawa, Engolo, Eridinda, Etinda, Gluu, Groussou, Gulu, Gulu-maza, Gulumanzi, Ikaka, Issoula, Kantate, Kilingi, Kilu, Kusia, Kusia papa, Kusiaba, Kusiabe, Kusiabo, Kussia, Linzi, Mamoundi, Mokesse, Moukonia, Mtoma, N'gulu, N'gulu maza, N'gulu-maza, Nguebe, Obiache, Odosi, Opepe, Opepi, Owessu, Owoso, Sibo, Sukisia, Tebotue, Toumbo, Uburu, Urherekor, Wei-yidi

Distributed in: Angola, Cameroon, Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Uganda, Zaire (Africa)

Distribution overview: The natural range of the species extends from Sierra Leone to the Congo region and eastward to Uganda. The species usually grows in pure stands.

Common uses: Agricultural implements, Boat building (general), Boat building, Boat building: planking, Bridge construction, Building materials, Cabinetmaking, Canoes, Chairs, Charcoal, Chests, Concealed parts (Furniture), Cooperages, Crossties, Decks, Decorative veneer, Desks, Dining-room furniture, Dockwork, Domestic flooring, Dowell pins, Dowells, Drawer sides, Excelsior, Figured veneer, Fine furniture, Floor lamps, Flooring, Flooring: commercial heavy traffic, Flooring: industrial heavy traffic, Framing, Fuelwood, Furniture , Furniture components, Furniture squares or stock, Furniture, Harbor work, Hatracks, Heavy construction, Joinery (external): ground contact, Joinery, Kitchen cabinets, Lifeboats, Light construction, Living-room suites, Marine construction, Millwork, Mine timbers, Moldings, Office furniture, Parquet flooring, Piling, Plywood, Poles, Posts, Radio - stereo - TV cabinets, Railroad ties, Rustic furniture, Shipbuilding, Sporting Goods, Tables, Truck bodies, Turnery, Vehicle parts, Veneer: decorative, Wharf construction

Product sources: The ITTO reports that timber from this species is produced in rather low quantities. The timber is currently being promoted for export. Supplies are plentiful, and good sized material of excellent quality is readily available at fairly expensive prices.

Environment profile: Data source is World Conservation Monitoring Center Rare in Ghana and Uganda, Vulnerable in Cameroon

Tree size: Trunk diameter is 100-150 cm

Colors: the heart isRed, Yellow to golden-yellow to orangeand the sapwoodWell defined, White to yellow.The grain isStriped figure, the textureMedium coarse to coarseand the lusterMedium to high

Natural durability: Susceptible to attack from powder post (Lyctid & Bostrychid) beetles, Very durable

Odor: Wood has slightly bitter taste

LightInduced Color Change: Darker

Kiln Schedules: UK=E US=T6D2/T3D1 Fr=5

Kiln Drying Rate: Slow (18-28 days for boards < 32 mm, to 52-84 days for boards >= 63 mm)

Drying Defects: Slight twist/warp, Surface checks

Ease of Drying: Variable

Tree Identification: Bole/stem form is straight

Comments: Abnormal Growth DefectsGeneral finishing qualities are rated as good Hidden defects such as reddish granular stones or heart shakes may be present.

Blunting Effect: Moderate

Boring: Fairly easy with ordinary tools

Carving: Fairly Easy to Very Easy

Cutting Resistance: Moderate to fairly difficult to saw

Gluing: Satisfactory gluing properties

Mortising: Material mortises fairly easily

Moulding: Good moulding properties

Movement in Service: Good moulding properties

Nailing: Holds nails well, Possible if prebored

Planing: Special attention required

Resistance to Impregnation: Sapwood is permeable

Resistance to Splitting: Poor

Response to hand tools: Responds Readily

Routing recessing: Routing is difficult

Sanding: Good sanding finish

Veneering qualities: Suitable for slicing, There is slight to moderate drying degrade and the potential for buckles and splits

Steam bending: Very poor

Screwing: Fairly Easy to Very Easy, Screwing yields good results; Turning: Very Good to Excellent Results

Painting: Satisfactory; Polishing: Satisfactory; Staining: Very Good to Excellent; Varnishing: Varnishes fairly well ;

  • Numerical data Metric
  • Numerical data English
  • Strength properties
  • References
Item Green Dry Metric
Specific Gravity 0,54 0,65
Density 753 kg/m3
Bending Strength 886 1242 kg/cm2
Crushing Strength 488 694 kg/cm2
Hardness 782 kg
Impact Strength 78 73 cm
Shearing Strength 148 kg/cm2
Stiffness 125 143 1000 kg/cm2
Tangential Shrinkage 7 %
Radial Shrinkage 4 %
Weight 753 737 kg/m3
Maximum Load 0,35 0,63 cm-kg/cm3
Toughness cm-kg
Static Bending kg/cm2
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