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Asiatic mangrove
Asiatic mangrove (Rhizophora apiculata)

Family: Rhizophoraceae

Common names: Asiatic mangrove, Asiatische mangrove, Asiatisk mangrove, Aziatische mangrove, Bakad, Bakau, Bakau minyak, Bakau miyak, Bakauan, Bakauan-babai, Bakauan-lalaki, Bakhao, Bako, Balbaro, Bangkau, Bangkita, Bangko, Bankao, Bhora, Boise, Buayohon, Goi, Haura, Jangar, Jangkar, Jangtang, Kandal, Kang kang rhi, Karuh, Kawoka, Kaya kandal, Khamo, Kong kang, Krokot, Muntu, Paga-paga, Paletuvier d'Asie, Pang ka bai lak, Pang ka bai lek, Pang ka sai, Pang ka say, Pariccha kandal, Payonapo, Pyu, Rai, Red mangrove, Rizofora de Asia, Rizoforea dell'Asia, Sagasa, Salak-salak, Saro, Tancang, Tanjang, Tongke, Tumu, Tumus, Uakatan, Wapin

Distributed in: Australia, Brunei, Burma, India, Indonesia, Madagascar, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Vanuatu (Oceania and S.E. Asia)

Distribution overview: The species occurs in south and south eastern Africa, especially in Mozambique.

Common uses: Boat building (general), Charcoal, Decks, Flooring: commercial heavy traffic, Fuelwood, Handles: general, Heavy construction, Joinery, Ladders, Light construction, Marine construction, Millwork, Mine timbers, Piling, Poles, Posts, Pulp/Paper products, Railroad ties, Tool handles, Vats, Vehicle parts

Tree size: Tree height is 20-30 m

Colors: the heart isReddish brown, Yellow to golden-yellow to orangeand the sapwoodDifferent than heartwood, White to yellow.The grain isStraight, the textureMediumand the lusterLustrous

Natural durability: Susceptible to marine borer attack, Very durable

Drying Defects: Moderate twist/warp, Severe surface checking

Ease of Drying: Difficult

Tree Identification: Bole/stem form is straight

Comments: General finishing qualities are rated as good

Boring: Easy

Cutting Resistance: Cutting Resistance with green wood is easy

Gluing: Moderate gluing properties

Mortising: Finishes well

Nailing: Fairly Easy to Very Easy

Planing: Planes well, to a good finish

Resistance to Impregnation: Heartwood is resistant

Response to hand tools: Easy to machine

Sanding: Good sanding finish

Turning: Good results

Polishing: Satisfactory;

  • Numerical data Metric
  • Numerical data English
  • Strength properties
  • References
Item Green Dry Metric
Specific Gravity
Density 897 kg/m3
Bending Strength 954 1473 kg/cm2
Crushing Strength 611 845 kg/cm2
Hardness 1333 kg
Impact Strength 137 cm
Shearing Strength 186 kg/cm2
Stiffness 175 204 1000 kg/cm2
Tangential Shrinkage %
Radial Shrinkage 4 %
Weight 881 721 kg/m3
Maximum Load cm-kg/cm3
Toughness cm-kg
Static Bending kg/cm2
Item Green Dry English
Bending Strength 13576 20956 psi
Density 56 lbs/ft3
Hardness 2940 lbs
Impact Strength 54 inches
Maximum Crushing Strength 8692 12028 psi
Shearing Strength 2652 psi
Stiffness 2496 2907 1000 psi
Weight 55 45 lbs/ft3
Radial Shrinkage 4 %
Tangential Shrinkage 9 %

Shrinkage, Tangential = large
Shrinkage, Radial = large
Hardness (side grain) = very hard
Bending strength (MOR) = high
Shrinkage, Tangential = fairly large
Shrinkage, Radial = fairly large
Modulus of Elasticity (stiffness) = very high
Max. crushing strength = very high
Density (dry weight) = 61-67 lbs/cu.ft
Shrinkage, Tangential = moderate
Shrinkage, Radial = very small
Shrinkage, Radial = moderate
Shearing strength (parallel to grain) = very high
Shearing strength (parallel to grain) = high
Max. crushing strength = high
Density (dry weight) = 53-60 lbs/cu. ft
Toughness-Hammer drop (Impact strength) = high
Shrinkage, Radial = small
Shearing strength (parallel to grain) = low
Density (dry weight) = 46-52 lbs/cu. ft.
Shrinkage, Tangential = small
Modulus of Elasticity (stiffness) = high

Bolza, E., Kloot, N.H.,1976,The Mechanical Properties of 81 New Guinea Timbers,C.S.I.R.O. Div. Building Res. Tec.Paper (2nd series) 11Bolza, E.,1975,Properties and Uses of 175 Timber Species from Papua New Guinea and West,Irian,C.S.I.R.O. Div. Building Research Report,no.34Bourdillon, T.F.,1908,The Forest Trees of Travancore,Travancore Government PressBrowne, F.G.,1955,Forest Trees of Sarawak and Brunei and their Products.,Government Printing Office, Kuching, SarawakBurgess, P.F.,1966,Timbers of Sabah,Sabah Forest Record, no.6Desch, H.E.,1954,Manual of Malayan Timbers (2 vols,Malayan Forest Records,no.15Eddowes, P.J.,1977,Commercial Timbers of Papua New Guinea: Their Properties and Uses,Hebano Press, Port Moresby, Papua New GuineaKeating, W.G., Bolza, E.,1982,Characteristics properties and uses of timbers. South East Asia, Northern,Australia and the Pacific,C.S.I.R.O. Div. Chemical Technology,Inkata Press,1Kingston, R.S.T., Risdon, C.J.E.,1961,Shrinkage and Density of Australian and other South-West Pacific Woods,C.S.I.R.O. Division of Forest Products Technological Paper No.13Kloot, N.H., Bolza, E.,1961,Properties of Timbers Imported into Australia,C.S.I.R.O. Forest Products Division Technological Paper,No.12Lee, Y.H., Lopez, D.T.,1968,The Machining Properties of some Malayan Timbers,Malayan Forester,3,pp194-210Ng, F.S.P. (Ed,1989,Tree Flora of Malaya A Manual for Foresters Volume 4,Forest Research Institute Malaysia Ministry of Primary IndustriesRamesh, Rao K., Purkayastha, S.K.,1972,Indian Woods - Their Identification Properties and Uses,Dehra Dun India,Vol. 3Reyes, L.J.,1938,Philippine Woods,Commonwealth of the Philippines Department of Agriculture and Commerce,Technical Bulletin,No.7Rollet, B.,1972,La vegetation du Cambodge,Bois et Forets des Tropiques,No.144 pp3-15Tamolang, F.N., Martawijaya, A., Kartasujana, I., Kadir, K., Parwira, S.,1992,Indonesian Wood Atlas Volume II,Department of Forestry, Agency for Forestry Research and Development,,Bogor-Indonesia
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