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Arbre de Saint-Jean (Schefflera paraensis)

Family: Araliaceae

Common names: Arbre de Saint-Jean, Blunt leaf karohoro, Matchwood, Morototo, Parapara, Tobitoutou

Distributed in: Brazil, Colombia, French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname (Latin America)

Common uses: Boxes and crates, Canoes, Light construction, Matches, Musical instruments: percussion, Plywood corestock, Plywood

Tree size: Tree height is 30-40 m

Colors: the heart isYellow, Yellow to golden-yellow to orangeand the sapwoodSame as heartwood .The grain isStraight, the textureFine to mediumand the lusterLustrous

Natural durability: Susceptible to attack from powder post (Lyctid & Bostrychid) beetles, Susceptible to attack from termites (Isoptera)

Drying Defects: Distortion, Splitting

Ease of Drying: Moderately Difficult to Difficult

Tree Identification: Bole/stem form is straight

Comments: General finishing qualities are rated as good

Cutting Resistance: Easy to saw

Resistance to Impregnation: Heartwood is permeable

Response to hand tools: Easy to machine

Veneering qualities: No steaming needed during bolt preparation., Suitable for peeling

Turning: Fairly Difficult to Very Difficult

  • Numerical data Metric
  • Numerical data English
  • Strength properties
  • References
Item Green Dry Metric
Specific Gravity
Density 464 kg/m3
Bending Strength 303 464 kg/cm2
Crushing Strength 150 275 kg/cm2
Hardness kg
Impact Strength cm
Shearing Strength 62 kg/cm2
Stiffness 71 84 1000 kg/cm2
Tangential Shrinkage %
Radial Shrinkage 6 %
Weight 448 400 kg/m3
Maximum Load cm-kg/cm3
Toughness cm-kg
Static Bending kg/cm2
Item Green Dry English
Bending Strength 4310 6606 psi
Density 29 lbs/ft3
Maximum Crushing Strength 2139 3916 psi
Shearing Strength 882 psi
Stiffness 1017 1199 1000 psi
Weight 28 25 lbs/ft3
Radial Shrinkage 6 %
Tangential Shrinkage 10 %

Density (dry weight) = 23-30 lbs/cu. ft.
Density (dry weight) = 31-37 lbs/cu. ft.
Density (dry weight) = 38-45 lbs/cu. ft.
Shrinkage, Tangential = large
Shrinkage, Radial = large
Shearing strength (parallel to grain) = very low
Modulus of Elasticity (stiffness) = very low
Max. crushing strength = low
Bending strength (MOR) = very low
Bending strength (MOR) = low

Erfurth, T., Rusche, H.,1976,The Marketing of Tropical Wood B. Wood Species from S. American Tropical,Moist Forests,F.A.O. Forestry DepartmentFanshawe, D.B.,1954,Forest Products of British Guiana Part 1 Principal Timbers,Forest Department British Guiana Forestry Bulletin (New Series 2nd,Edition,No.1France - C.T.F.T./C.T.B.,1982,Guide pour le Choix des Essences Deroulables-pour la fabrication du,contreplaque,C.T.F.T./C.T.B. FrancePolak, A.M.,1992,Major Timber Trees of Guyana A Field Guide,The Tropenbos Foundation Wageningen, The NetherlandsTakahashi, A.,1975,Compilation of data on the Mechanical Properties of Foreign Woods (Part 2,Central and South America,Shimane University, Japan, Research Report on Foreign Wood No.4Vink, A.T.,1965,Surinam Timbers,Surinam Forest Service Paramaribo,3rd rev. ed.
*Come interpretare i dati (manleva su eventuali imprecisioni)