Bacurubu (Schizolobium parahybum)
Family: Leguminosae
Common names: Bacurubu, Bacuruvu, Bandarra, Batsoari, Chapulaltapa, Cuchillal, Faveira, Gambombo, Gavilan, Guanacaste, Guaporuva, Guapuruvu, Judio, Melon, Pachaco, Palo de judio, Palo de picho, Parica, Pashaco, Pau de vintem, Plumajillo, Quam, Quamwood, Quon, Sora, Tambor, Tzementi, Zorra
Distributed in: Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Mexico, Peru (Central America, Latin America)
Common uses: Boat building (general), Boxes and crates, Cabinetmaking, Canoes, Concrete formwork, Food containers, Furniture, Heavy construction, Joinery (external): ground contact, Joinery, Matches, Plywood, Pulp/Paper products, Toys, Turnery, Veneer
Tree size: Trunk diameter is 100-150 cm
Colors: the heart isYellow, Yellow to golden-yellow to orangeand the sapwoodWhite to yellow, Yellow.The grain isStraight, the textureMedium to coarseand the lusterSlightly lustrous
Natural durability: Susceptible to attack from powder post (Lyctid & Bostrychid) beetles, Susceptible to insect attack
Kiln Schedules: Drying (speed) is fast
Kiln Drying Rate: Drying rate is slow
Drying Defects: No twisting or warping, Slight collapse and honeycomb
Ease of Drying: Variable
Tree Identification: Bole/stem form is straight
Comments: General finishing qualities are rated as good
Blunting Effect: Blunting effect on sawing dry wood is mild
Boring: Fairly easy to very easy
Carving: Fairly Easy to Very Easy
Cutting Resistance: Easy to saw
Gluing: Easy to glue
Mortising: Finishes well
Moulding: Good finishing
Movement in Service: Good finishing
Nailing: Poor to Very Poor , Very Good to Excellent
Planing: Planes well, to a good finish
Resistance to Impregnation: Sapwood is permeable
Response to hand tools: Variable qualities
Routing recessing: Routing yields good results
Sanding: Good sanding finish
Veneering qualities: Veneers easily, Veneers moderately easy
Screwing: Easy to screw, Poor results; Turning: Poor results
Polishing: Fair to Good;
- Numerical data Metric
- Numerical data English
- Strength properties
- References
Item |
Green |
Dry |
Metric |
Specific Gravity |
Density |
368 |
kg/m3 |
Bending Strength |
208 |
307 |
kg/cm2 |
Crushing Strength |
65 |
125 |
kg/cm2 |
Hardness |
205 |
kg |
Impact Strength |
cm |
Shearing Strength |
62 |
kg/cm2 |
Stiffness |
80 |
94 |
1000 kg/cm2 |
Tangential Shrinkage |
7 |
% |
Radial Shrinkage |
4 |
% |
Weight |
368 |
304 |
kg/m3 |
Maximum Load |
cm-kg/cm3 |
Toughness |
cm-kg |
Static Bending |
kg/cm2 |
| | | | Item | Green | Dry | English | Bending Strength | 2959 | 4369 | psi | Density | | 23 | lbs/ft3 | Hardness | | 454 | lbs | Maximum Crushing Strength | 926 | 1789 | psi | Shearing Strength | | 882 | psi | Stiffness | 1147 | 1343 | 1000 psi | Weight | 23 | 19 | lbs/ft3 | Radial Shrinkage | 4 | | % | Tangential Shrinkage | 7 | | % | Volumetric Shrinkage | 11 | | % | |
Bending strength (MOR) = very low Max. crushing strength (stiffness) = very low Shearing strength (parallel to grain) = very low Modulus of Elasticity (stiffness) = very low Hardness (side grain) = very soft Density (dry weight) = 23-30 lbs/cu. ft. Density (dry weight) = 15-22 lbs/cu. ft. Shrinkage, Volumetric = moderate Shrinkage, Tangential = moderate Shrinkage, Radial = moderate Modulus of Elasticity (stiffness) = medium Max. crushing strength = low Hardness (side grain) = soft Bending strength (MOR) = low
Almeida, D.G. de, Costa, J.R. da,1956,Madeiras do Brasil. (Timbers of Brazil.,Min. Ag. Servico de Economia Rural, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,pp56Belize,1946,42 Secondary Hardwood Timbers of British Honduras,British Honduras Forest Department Bulletin,No.1Berni, C.A., Bolza, E., Christensen, F.J.,1979,South American Timbers - The Characteristics, Properties and Uses of 190,Species,C.S.I.R.O Div. Building ResearchMainieri, C., Pereira, J.A.,1965,Madeiras do Brasil,Anuario Brasileiro de Economia Florestal,17(17,PP135-416Mainieri, C.,1970,Madeiras Brasilieras,Sao Paulo Secretaria da Agricultra, Institulo FlorestralMainieri, C.,1973,Madeiras do litoral sul Sao Paulo, Parana e sta.catarina,Sao Paulo Secretaria da Agricultura, Ins. Flor. Bol. Tec no.3Mainieri, C.,1978,Fichas de Caracteristicas das Madeiras Brasileiras,Inst. Pesquisas TechnologicasPennington, T.D., Sarukhan, J.,1968,Manual para la Identificacion de campo de los Principales Arboles,Tropicales de Mexico,Inst. Nac. Inv. For. MexicoPeru - P.A.D.T.,1981,Descripcion general y anatomica de 105 Maderas del Grupo Andino,Junta del Acuerdo de Cartagena, P.A.D.T. Report, Junac, Lima, Peru.Peru - P.A.D.T.,1981,Tablas de propiedades fisicas y mecariicas de la Madera de 24 especies de,Colombia,Junta del Acuerdo de Cartagena, P.A.D.T. Report, Lima, Peru.Record, S.J., Hess, R.W.,1943,Timbers of the New World,Yale University PressRecord, S.J.,1925,Schizolobium: A Promising Source of Pulpwood,Tropical Woods 1(2) pp2-5Record, S.J.,1927,Trees of Honduras,Tropical Woods,10, pp10-47Richter, et al, H.G.,1974,Estudo Technological Guapuruvu (Schizolobium parahybum,Floresta V(1) pp26-30Richter, et al, H.G.,1975,Technological Study of Schizolobium parahybum II Plywood Manufacture,Revista Floresta VI (1) pp14-23Rizzini, C.T.,1978,Arvores e Madeiras Uteis do Brasil: Manual de Dendrologia Brasileira,Editora Edgard Blucher LTDA BrazilSao Paulo - Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnologicas,1956,Tabelas de Resultados obtidos para Madeiras Nacionais,Inst. Pesq. Tec. Sao Paulo, Brazil Bol., No.31(2nd Ed.)Vink, A.T.,1965,Surinam Timbers,Surinam Forest Service Paramaribo,3rd rev. ed.