Ambora (Tambourissa thouvenotii)
Family: Monimiaceae
Common names: Ambora
Distributed in: Madagascar (Africa)
Common uses: Boat building (general), Boxes and crates, Building materials, Carvings, Casks, Core Stock, Decorative veneer, Domestic flooring, Excelsior, Exterior trim & siding, Exterior uses, Figured veneer, Flooring, Furniture, Hardboards, Interior construction, Interior trim, Joinery, Light construction, Millwork, Moldings, Packing cases, Parquet flooring, Particleboard, Plywood, Shingles, Shipbuilding, Sub-flooring, Trimming, Turnery, Veneer, Wainscotting
Environment profile: Status has not been officially assessed
Tree size: Trunk diameter is 150-200 cm
Colors: the heart isYellow, Yellowish tanand the sapwoodWhite, Yellow.The grain isInterlocked grain shows attractive figure , the textureMedium coarse and uniformand the lusterMedium
Natural durability: Susceptible to insect attack, Very durable
Odor: Pleasant odor that persists after material is converted
Kiln Drying Rate: Naturally dries slowly
Drying Defects: Severe twisting/warping, Splitting
Ease of Drying: Variable
Blunting Effect: Moderate
Boring: Very easy to impregnate with preservatives
Carving: Good results
Cutting Resistance: Material is very soft and saws easily
Gluing: Good gluing characteristics
Mortising: Mortise finishing is very good
Moulding: Very good moulding properties
Movement in Service: Very good moulding properties
Nailing: Good nailing properties, Pre-Boring Recommended
Planing: Very Good to Excellent
Resistance to Impregnation: Resistant sapwood
Response to hand tools: Responds Poorly
Routing recessing: Routing is easy
Sanding: The sanding finish is generally good
Veneering qualities: Veneers easily, Veneers moderately easy
Steam bending: Unsuitable
Screwing: Good screw holding properties, Pre-boring recommended; Turning: Very Good to Excellent Results
Polishing: Very Good to Excellent; Staining: Very Good to Excellent;
- Numerical data Metric
- Numerical data English
- Strength properties
- References
Item |
Green |
Dry |
Metric |
Specific Gravity |
Density |
512 |
kg/m3 |
Bending Strength |
597 |
926 |
kg/cm2 |
Crushing Strength |
272 |
465 |
kg/cm2 |
Hardness |
144 |
kg |
Impact Strength |
cm |
Shearing Strength |
117 |
kg/cm2 |
Stiffness |
90 |
106 |
1000 kg/cm2 |
Tangential Shrinkage |
8 |
% |
Radial Shrinkage |
4 |
% |
Weight |
496 |
400 |
kg/m3 |
Maximum Load |
cm-kg/cm3 |
Toughness |
cm-kg |
Static Bending |
kg/cm2 |
 |  |  |  | Item | Green | Dry | English | Bending Strength | 8500 | 13181 | psi | Density | | 32 | lbs/ft3 | Hardness | | 319 | lbs | Maximum Crushing Strength | 3873 | 6614 | psi | Shearing Strength | | 1666 | psi | Stiffness | 1294 | 1519 | 1000 psi | Weight | 31 | 25 | lbs/ft3 | Radial Shrinkage | 4 | | % | Tangential Shrinkage | 8 | | % | Volumetric Shrinkage | 11 | | % | |
Shrinkage, Tangential = moderate Shrinkage, Radial = small Shrinkage, Radial = moderate Max. crushing strength = medium Bending strength (MOR) = medium Shrinkage, Volumetric = moderate Shrinkage, Tangential = small Shrinkage, Tangential = large Shrinkage, Tangential = fairly large Shrinkage, Radial = large Shrinkage, Radial = fairly large Hardness (side grain) = very soft Density (dry weight) = 31-37 lbs/cu. ft. Compression strength (parallel to grain) = high Bending strength (MOR) = high
The bending strength of air-dried wood of the species is similar to that of Teak, which is considered to be strong. Strength in compression parallel to grain is in the high range. Other species in this range include Teak, White oak, and Hard maple.
Bolza, E., Keating, W.G.,1972,African Timbers - the Properties, Uses and Characteristics of 700 Species,C.S.I.R.O. Div. of Building ResearchSallenave, P.,1955,Proprietes Phyiques et Mecaniques des Bois Tropicaux de l'Union Francaise,C.T.F.TTakahashi, A.,1978,Compilation of Data on the Mechanical Properties of Foreign Woods (Part,III) Africa,Shimane University, Japan, Research Report on Foreign Wood No. 7