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Mbessi (Trema sp.)

Family: Ulmaceae

Common names: Mbessi, Menarong, Mengkirai

Distributed in: Comoros (Africa)

Distribution overview: The genus Trema consists of about 20 species, which are widely distributed in the tropical regions of the world.

Common uses: Balusters, Baskets, Bedroom suites, Boat building, Boxes and crates, Building construction, Building materials, Cabinetmaking, Canoes, Casks, Chairs, Charcoal, Chests, Concealed parts (Furniture), Construction, Core Stock, Decorative plywood, Desks, Dining-room furniture, Dowell pins, Dowells, Drawer sides, Fine furniture, Floor lamps, Food containers, Fuelwood, Furniture , Furniture components, Furniture squares or stock, Hatracks, Interior construction, Kitchen cabinets, Lifeboats, Light construction, Living-room suites, Moldings, Office furniture, Packing cases, Particleboard, Plywood, Radio - stereo - TV cabinets, Rustic furniture

Environment profile: Status has not been officially assessed

Tree size: Trunk diameter is 200-250 cm

Colors: the heart isWhite to cream, Yellowand the sapwoodWhite, Yellow.The grain isStraight, the textureMedium coarse to coarseand the lusterMedium

Natural durability: Susceptible to insect attack, Susceptible to termite attack

Odor: Has an odor

Kiln Drying Rate: Naturally dries slowly

Drying Defects: Ring Shakes, Uneven Moisture Content

Ease of Drying: Very good seasoning properties

Comments: Species in the genus are more valuable in their role of soil conservation and reclamation than as a source for timber

Blunting Effect: Medium dulling effect on cutting edges

Boring: Very good to excellent results

Carving: Good results

Cutting Resistance: Fairly easy to saw

Gluing: Very Good to Excellent Results

Mortising: Very Good to Excellent

Moulding: Works fairly well with machine tools

Movement in Service: Works fairly well with machine tools

Nailing: Pre-Boring Recommended, Very Good to Excellent

Planing: Very Good to Excellent

Resistance to Impregnation: Sapwood is permeable

Response to hand tools: Fairly Difficult to Difficult to Work

Routing recessing: Routing is easy

Sanding: Very Good to Excellent Results

Veneering qualities: Veneers easily, Veneers moderately easy

Steam bending: Fair to Good Results

Screwing: Pre-boring recommended, Very Good to Excellent Results; Turning: Very Good to Excellent Results

Painting: Very Good to Excellent; Polishing: Very Good to Excellent; Staining: Very Good to Excellent; Varnishing: Very Good to Excellent;

  • Numerical data Metric
  • Numerical data English
  • Strength properties
  • References
Item Green Dry Metric
Specific Gravity
Density kg/m3
Bending Strength 434 671 kg/cm2
Crushing Strength 217 399 kg/cm2
Hardness kg
Impact Strength cm
Shearing Strength 103 kg/cm2
Stiffness 1000 kg/cm2
Tangential Shrinkage %
Radial Shrinkage %
Weight kg/m3
Maximum Load cm-kg/cm3
Toughness cm-kg
Static Bending kg/cm2
Item Green Dry English
Bending Strength 6174 9555 psi
Maximum Crushing Strength 3087 5684 psi
Shearing Strength 1470 psi
Stiffness 1127 1294 1000 psi

Compression strength (parallel to grain) = medium
Bending strength (MOR) = medium
It is closer in strength to Mahogany than either Teak or White oak, which have higher bending strength

Bolza, E., Keating, W.G.,1972,African Timbers - the Properties, Uses and Characteristics of 700 Species,C.S.I.R.O. Div. of Building ResearchDesch, H. E. 1954. Manual of Malayan Timbers - Volume II. Malayan Forest Records, No. 15. Malaysia Publishing House Ltd., Singapore.Schneider, E.E. 1916. Commercial Woods of the Philippines: Their Preparation and Uses. Bulletin No. 14. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Forestry, Manila, Philippines.
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