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Indirizzo: via dei platani 4 liguria
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Long John
Long John (Triplaris spp.)

Family: Polygonaceae

Common names: Formigueira, Hormigo, Long John, Mierenhout, Palo hormiguero, Palo mulato, Palo santo, Tangarana, Vara de maria

Distributed in: Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Columbia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, French Guiana, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, Venezuela (Central America, Latin America)

Distribution overview: Several species in the Triplaris genus are reported to occur from southern Mexico through Central America and tropical South America. They are reported to grow predominantly in swamps and are also common on low riverbanks in Surinam. The trees are sometimes found in pure stands on abandoned clearings.

Common uses: Boxes and crates, Building materials, Dining-room furniture, Fiberboard, Furniture , Furniture components, Interior construction, Joinery, Millwork, Packing cases, Particleboard

Environment profile: Status has not been officially assessed

Tree size: Triplaris trees are often medium-sized, develop slightly angled or fluted boles, and buttresses that are typically low and narrow

Colors: the heart isGrey brown, Pinkish brownand the sapwoodColor not distinct from heartwood .The grain isStraight, the textureMedium coarse to coarseand the lusterMedium

Natural durability: Perishable, Very little natural resistance against attack by decay fungi

Odor: No specific smell or taste

Kiln Schedules: T6 - D2 (4/4) US

Drying Defects: Moderate warping and checking

Ease of Drying: Variable results. Depending upon species, drying rate may be fairly slow or rapid

Comments: Hollowed stems are reported to often contain aggressive ants, which tend to attack individuals felling the tree

Boring: Fairly easy to very easy

Carving: Good results

Cutting Resistance: Fairly easy to saw The timber is reported to cut and saw with very little difficulty

Gluing: Responds well to gluing

Mortising: Responds well to machine tools in mortising operations

Moulding: Material responds well to moulding operations

Movement in Service: Material responds well to moulding operations

Nailing: Good nailing characteristics

Planing: Good planing operations with ordinary machine tools

Resistance to Impregnation: Heartwood is difficult to treat with preservatives

Routing recessing: Good routing qualities

Sanding: Good sanding properties

Steam bending: Good

Screwing: Good screwing properties ; Turning: Fairly Easy to Very Easy

Staining: Stains well ; Varnishing: Good;

  • Numerical data Metric
  • Numerical data English
  • Strength properties
  • References
Item Green Dry Metric
Specific Gravity 0,55
Density 673 kg/m3
Bending Strength 802 kg/cm2
Crushing Strength 397 kg/cm2
Hardness 635 kg
Impact Strength cm
Shearing Strength kg/cm2
Stiffness 121 1000 kg/cm2
Tangential Shrinkage 9 %
Radial Shrinkage 4 %
Weight 657 544 kg/m3
Maximum Load cm-kg/cm3
Toughness 173 cm-kg
Static Bending kg/cm2
Item Green Dry English
Bending Strength 11409 psi
Density 42 lbs/ft3
Hardness 1401 lbs
Maximum Crushing Strength 5658 psi
Stiffness 1732 1000 psi
Toughness 151 inch-lbs
Specific Gravity 0.55
Weight 41 34. lbs/ft3
Radial Shrinkage 4 %
Tangential Shrinkage 9 %
Volumetric Shrinkage 12 %

Resists denting and marring
Compression strength (parallel to grain) = medium
Bending strength (MOR) = high

Boone, R.S., C.J. Kozlik, P.J. Bois, E.M. Wengert. 1988. Dry Kiln Schedules for Commercial Woods - Temperate and Tropical. USDA., Forest Service, Preliminary Copy, Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, Wisconsin.Chudnoff, M.,1984,Tropical Timbers of the World,U.S.A. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products,Laboratory, Madison.
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