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Black kakaralliBlack kakaralli
Black kakaralli (Eschweilera amara)

Family: Lecythidaceae

Common names: Black kakaralli, Guacharacorojo, Inegosso, Jatereua, Jouatii, Kakaralli, Lebi loabi, Mahot rouge, Manbarklak, Mata-mata-vermelho, Oemanbarklak, Sapucaia amargosa, Wina kakaralli, Wini kakaralli

Distributed in: Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname, Venezuela (Latin America)

Common uses: Fuelwood, Light construction, Piling, Poles, Railroad ties, Sporting Goods, Structural work, Tool handles, Wharf construction

Tree size: Tree height is 50-60 m

Colors: the heart isRed, Reddish brownand the sapwoodWell defined, White to yellow.The grain isStraight, the textureMediumand the lusterSlightly lustrous

Natural durability: Susceptible to insect attack, Susceptible to marine borer attack

Silica Content: Moderate silica contact

Kiln Drying Rate: Naturally dries slowly

Ease of Drying: Slowly

Tree Identification: Bole/stem form is straight

Comments: General finishing qualities are rated as good

Blunting Effect: Little

Boring: Fairly easy to very easy

Cutting Resistance: Cutting Resistance with dry wood is difficult

Moulding: Very Good to Excellent

Movement in Service: Very Good to Excellent

Nailing: Pre-Boring Recommended

Planing: Very Good to Excellent

Response to hand tools: Difficult to machine

Sanding: Fairly Easy to Very Easy

Screwing: Pre-boring recommended ; Turning: Very Good to Excellent Results

Polishing: Good;

  • Numerical data Metric
  • Numerical data English
  • Strength properties
  • References
Item Green Dry Metric
Specific Gravity
Density 1073 kg/m3
Bending Strength 1100 1617 kg/cm2
Crushing Strength 485 699 kg/cm2
Hardness 752 kg
Impact Strength cm
Shearing Strength 109 kg/cm2
Stiffness 134 155 1000 kg/cm2
Tangential Shrinkage %
Radial Shrinkage 3 %
Weight 1057 817 kg/m3
Maximum Load cm-kg/cm3
Toughness cm-kg
Static Bending kg/cm2
Item Green Dry English
Bending Strength 15656 23004 psi
Density 67 lbs/ft3
Hardness 1658 lbs
Maximum Crushing Strength 6899 9945 psi
Shearing Strength 1560 psi
Stiffness 1916 2208 1000 psi
Weight 66 51 lbs/ft3
Radial Shrinkage 3 %
Tangential Shrinkage 9 %

Shrinkage, Tangential = large
Max. crushing strength = high
Bending strength (MOR) = very high
Bending strength (MOR) = high
Shrinkage, Tangential = moderate
Shrinkage, Tangential = fairly large
Shrinkage, Radial = very small
Shrinkage, Radial = moderate
Shrinkage, Radial = fairly large
Shearing strength (parallel to grain) = low
Modulus of Elasticity (stiffness) = medium
Modulus of Elasticity (stiffness) = high
Hardness (side grain) = medium
Density (dry weight) = over 75 lbs/cu. ft
Density (dry weight) = 53-60 lbs/cu. ft
Bending strength (MOR) = medium

Amos, G.L.,1951,Some siliceous timbers of British Guiana,Caribbean Forester (3; 4) 133-7, 139-40.Bena, P.,1960,Essences Forestieres de Guyane,Bureau Agricole et Forestier Guyanais GuyanaBrazil -, I.B.D.F.,1980,Woods from Tucurui - characteristics and application,The Ag. Ministry Brazilian Institute for Forest DevelopmentErfurth, T., Rusche, H.,1976,The Marketing of Tropical Wood B. Wood Species from S. American Tropical,Moist Forests,F.A.O. Forestry DepartmentFanshawe, D.B.,1954,Forest Products of British Guiana Part 1 Principal Timbers,Forest Department British Guiana Forestry Bulletin (New Series 2nd,Edition,No.1Record, S.J., Mell, C.D.,1924,Timbers of Tropical America,Yale Univ. PressTakahashi, A.,1975,Compilation of data on the Mechanical Properties of Foreign Woods (Part 2,Central and South America,Shimane University, Japan, Research Report on Foreign Wood No.4Vink, A.T.,1965,Surinam Timbers,Surinam Forest Service Paramaribo,3rd rev. ed.
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