Ditta 5
Indirizzo: via dei platani 4 liguria Tel.: +39 456 5664 54 Sito web: www.pippo.it E-mail: pippo at libero.it |
Ditta 4
Indirizzo: via dei platani 4 liguria Tel.: +39 456 5664 54 Sito web: www.pippo.it E-mail: pippo at libero.it |
Ditta 3
Indirizzo: via dei platani 4 liguria Tel.: +39 456 5664 54 Sito web: www.pippo.it E-mail: pippo at libero.it |
Ditta 2
Indirizzo: via dei platani 4 liguria Tel.: +39 456 5664 54 Sito web: www.pippo.it E-mail: pippo at libero.it |
Ditta 1
Indirizzo: via dei platani 4 liguria Tel.: +39 456 5664 54 Sito web: www.pippo.it E-mail: pippo at libero.it |
Ditta 0
Indirizzo: via dei platani 4 liguria Tel.: +39 456 5664 54 Sito web: www.pippo.it E-mail: pippo at libero.it |
Biku-biku (Kurrimia pulcherrima)
Family: Celastraceae Common names: Biku-biku, Buku-buku, Dieng-mat-wei, Dieng-soh-ngang, Hinguri, Koliori, Kwedauk, Shilkoi, Tunser Distributed in: India (Oceania and S.E. Asia) Common uses: Flooring, Posts, Structural work Tree size: Tree height is 30-40 m
Colors: the heart isPurple, Redand the sapwoodBrown, Same as heartwood.The grain isStraight, the textureFineand the lusterMedium
Natural durability: Susceptible to insect attack, Very durable Drying Defects: Splitting
Ease of Drying: Fairly Easy
Resistance to Impregnation: Resistant sapwood Response to hand tools: Easy to Work
Polishing: Fair to Good;
Density (dry weight) = 38-45 lbs/cu. ft. Anon,1963,Indian Woods: Their Identification, Properties and uses. Vol.II Linaceae,to Moringaceae,Manager of Publications, Delhi, India |