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Marishballi (Licania macrophylla)

Family: Chrysobalanaceae

Common names: Abure, Anaoura, Anauera, Anaura, Bois Gris, Cana Dulce, Caraipe, Carbonero, Grigri, Gris gris coumate, Gris-gris, Gris-gris rouge, Kairiballi, Kauston, Kauta, Kwepie, Marish, Marishballi, Marishiballi, Merecure de Montana, Monkey Apple, Pin, Pintadinho, Sapote, Sponshoedoe, Sponshout

Distributed in: Belize, Brazil, Columbia, French Guiana, Guyana, Panama, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela (Central America, Latin America)

Distribution overview: Widely distributed in tropical America but is most abundant in the Guianas and the lower Amazon region of Brazil. Frequent in the overflow woodlands of the Amazon estuary but also in upland forests.

Common uses: Barge fenders, Boat building (general), Boat building: framing, Bridge construction, Building construction, Building materials, Cabin construction, Charcoal, Construction, Crossties, Docks, Dockwork, Factory construction, Flooring, Flooring: industrial heavy traffic, Fuelwood, Harbor work, Heavy construction, Joinery, Light construction, Marine construction, Mine timbers, Naval architecture, Piling, Raft floats, Rafts, Railroad ties, Wharf construction

Environment profile: Rather rare at the periphery of its range

Tree size: Trunk diameter is 100-150 cm

Colors: the heart isYellow, Yellow to golden-yellow to orangeand the sapwoodWhite, Yellow.The grain isStraight, the textureStright and closed and the lusterSlightly lustrous

Natural durability: Very durable, Very durable

Odor: No specific smell or taste

Silica Content: Severe Licania woods usually contain high levels of silica

LightInduced Color Change: Darker

Kiln Schedules: Drying (speed) is fast

Kiln Drying Rate: Naturally dries slowly

Drying Defects: Slight twist/warp, Splitting

Ease of Drying: Slowly

Tree Identification: Bole/stem form is not buttressed

Comments: General finishing qualities are rated as satisfactory Various species in the genus are reported to have very similar characteristics, and are often represented by a general description

Blunting Effect: Blunting effect on machining is severe Tungsten tipped cutters may be required to saw or process the wood because of high densities and high silica contents.

Boring: Fairly difficult to very difficult

Cutting Resistance: Easy to saw

Gluing: Fairly Easy to Very Easy

Nailing: Nails hold poorly

Planing: Very Good to Excellent

Resistance to Impregnation: Softwood can be easily treated

Resistance to Splitting: Poor

Response to hand tools: Fairly Difficult to Difficult to Work

Steam bending: Very Good to Excellent Results

Turning: Very Good to Excellent Results

Polishing: Very Good to Excellent;

  • Numerical data Metric
  • Numerical data English
  • Strength properties
  • References
Item Green Dry Metric
Specific Gravity 0,69
Density 945 kg/m3
Bending Strength 1077 1643 kg/cm2
Crushing Strength 498 785 kg/cm2
Hardness 1345 kg
Impact Strength cm
Shearing Strength 139 kg/cm2
Stiffness 170 192 1000 kg/cm2
Tangential Shrinkage 10 %
Radial Shrinkage 6 %
Weight 929 769 kg/m3
Maximum Load 0,49 0,7 cm-kg/cm3
Toughness 240 cm-kg
Static Bending kg/cm2
Item Green Dry English
Bending Strength 15323 23375 psi
Density 59 lbs/ft3
Hardness 2967 lbs
Maximum Crushing Strength 7095 11174 psi
Shearing Strength 1989 psi
Stiffness 2418 2740 1000 psi
Toughness 209 inch-lbs
Work to Maximum Load 7 10 inch-lbs/in3
Specific Gravity 0.69
Weight 58 48 lbs/ft3
Radial Shrinkage 6 %
Tangential Shrinkage 10 %
Volumetric Shrinkage 17 %

Density (dry weight) = 61 - 67 lbs/cu. ft. 1
Density (dry weight) = 53 - 60 lbs/cu. ft. 1
Max. crushing strength = high
Modulus of Elasticity (stiffness) = high
Bending strength (MOR) = high
Hardness (side grain) = hard
Shearing strength (parallel to grain) = medium
Density (dry weight) = 67-75 lbs/cu. ft.
Shrinkage, Tangential = large
Shrinkage, Radial = large
Shearing strength (parallel to grain) = low
Shrinkage, Tangential = moderate
Shrinkage, Radial = small
Max. crushing strength (stiffness) = very low
Bending strength (MOR) = very high

Berni, C.A., Bolza, E., Christensen, F.J.,1979,South American Timbers - The Characteristics, Properties and Uses of 190,Species,C.S.I.R.O Div. Building ResearchBrown, W.H.,1978,Timbers of the World, No. 2 South America,TRADA, Red Booklet SeriesChudnoff, M.,1984,Tropical Timbers of the World,U.S.A. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products,Laboratory, Madison.Horn, E.F.,1948,Teredo Resistant Timbers of the Amazon Valley,Tropical Woods,12(93,pp35-40Longwood, F.R.,1962,Commercial Timbers of the Caribbean,U.S.A. Department of Agriculture, Agriculture Handbook,No.207Takahashi, A.,1975,Compilation of data on the Mechanical Properties of Foreign Woods (Part 2,Central and South America,Shimane University, Japan, Research Report on Foreign Wood No.4Vink, A.T.,1965,Surinam Timbers,Surinam Forest Service Paramaribo,3rd rev. ed.Wangaard, F.F., et al,1954,Properties and Uses of Tropical Woods 4,Tropical Woods,14(99, pp1-187
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