Medang (Litsea reticulata)
Family: Lauraceae
Common names: Batikuling, Boi loi, Bolly gum, Bollywood, Medang, Medang padang, Ondon
Distributed in: Australia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Vietnam (Oceania and S.E. Asia)
Distribution overview: Found in the scrubwood forests of New South Wales and Queensland in Australia.
Common uses: Balusters, Building construction, Building materials, Carvings, Chairs, Chests, Concealed parts (Furniture), Construction, Core Stock, Decorative veneer, Desks, Dining-room furniture, Dowell pins, Dowells, Drawer sides, Excelsior, Figured veneer, Fine furniture, Floor lamps, Furniture , Furniture components, Furniture squares or stock, Hatracks, Interior construction, Joinery, Kitchen cabinets, Light construction, Living-room suites, Moldings, Office furniture, Plain veneer, Radio - stereo - TV cabinets, Rustic furniture, Stairworks, Stools, Stringers, Tables , Utility furniture, Veneer, Wardrobes, Woodwork
Environment profile:
The environmental status of this species within its natural boundaries is currently unknown since it has not been officially assessed
Tree size: Trunk diameter is 100-150 cm
and the sapwoodColor not distinct from heartwood
.The grain isWavy, the textureUniformand the lusterMedium
Wood surfaces which are initially lustrous are reported to dull upon exposure.
Natural durability: Moderately durable, Non-resistant to marine borers
Some Litsea timbers are scented and others have an unpleasant odor when green but the smell disappears after seasoning
Kiln Schedules: Table No. 513, Schedule Code (52-35) U
Kiln Drying Rate: Naturally dries quickly
Drying Defects: Checking, Splitting
Ease of Drying: Slowly
Boring: Fairly easy to very easy
Litsea timbers are favored for carving in the Philippines
Cutting Resistance: Fairly Difficult to Very Difficult to saw
Planing: Very Good to Excellent
Resistance to Impregnation: Softwood can be easily treated
Response to hand tools: Responds well
Turning: Poor to Very Poor Results
- Numerical data Metric
- Numerical data English
- Strength properties
- References
Item |
Green |
Dry |
Metric |
Specific Gravity |
0,36 |
Density |
480 |
kg/m3 |
Bending Strength |
509 |
751 |
kg/cm2 |
Crushing Strength |
34 |
55 |
kg/cm2 |
Hardness |
266 |
kg |
Impact Strength |
cm |
Shearing Strength |
114 |
kg/cm2 |
Stiffness |
94 |
117 |
1000 kg/cm2 |
Tangential Shrinkage |
7 |
% |
Radial Shrinkage |
4 |
% |
Weight |
480 |
384 |
kg/m3 |
Maximum Load |
cm-kg/cm3 |
Toughness |
93 |
cm-kg |
Static Bending |
302 |
531 |
kg/cm2 |
| | | | Item | Green | Dry | English | Bending Strength | 7252 | 10682 | psi | Crushing Strength | 496 | 784 | psi | Density | | 30 | lbs/ft3 | Hardness | | 588 | lbs | Maximum Crushing Strength | 3430 | 5743 | psi | Shearing Strength | | 1632 | psi | Static Bending | 4302 | 7556 | psi | Stiffness | 1343 | 1666 | 1000 psi | Toughness | | 81 | inch-lbs | Specific Gravity | 0.36 | | | Weight | 30 | 24. | lbs/ft3 | Radial Shrinkage | 4 | | % | Tangential Shrinkage | 7 | | % | Volumetric Shrinkage | 10 | | % | |
Bolza, E. and N.H. Kloot. 1963.The Mechanical Properties of 174 Australian Timbers.Division of Forest Products Technological Paper No. 25, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Australia, Melbourne.Boone, R.S., C.J. Kozlik, P.J. Bois, E.M. Wengert. 1988. Dry Kiln Schedules for Commercial Hardwoods - Temperate and Tropical. USDA, Forest Service, General Technical Report FPL-GTR-57, Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, Wisconsin.Chudnoff, M.,1984,Tropical Timbers of the World,U.S.A. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products,Laboratory, Madison.Kloot, N.H. and E. Bolza. 1961. Properties of Timbers Imported into Australia. Division of Forest Products Technological Paper No. 12. Commonwealth scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Melbourne, AustraliaWallis, N.K. 1956. Australian Timber Handbook. Sponsored by The Timber Development Association of Australia. Angus & Robertson, Ltd., 89 Castlereagh Street, Sydney, Australia.